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- Oil-less Medical Air Reciprocating Compressors
Oil-less Medical Air Reciprocating Compressors

Proven Oil-less Reciprocating Technology
BeaconMedæs LifeLine® Medical Oil-less reciprocating air systems are the most widely installed medical air compressor in North America. All systems incorporate the following features.
- Entire system fully compliant with NFPA 99 or CSA Z-305.1 as a medical air source system. Complete from inlet to source valve.
- Compact tank and base mount configurations including true “Single Point”.
- Designed for ease of rigging including easy separation of modules.
- Full vibration isolation including spring isolation – no special bases required.
Standard LifeLine Desiccant Dryer System
BeaconMedæs oil less reciprocating packages incorporate the LifeLine® purge saving compact desiccant system for maximum effectiveness and minimum operating cost.
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